Наукові публікації у наукометричних базах

Статті у міжнародних реферованих виданнях та у визнаних МОН України наукометричних базах даних (Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection).

  1. Безродный М.К., Рачинский А.Ю., Барабаш П.А., Голияд Н.Н. Параметрические границы эффективного использования центробежной водяной форсунки в контактных утилизаторах теплоты отходящих газов. – Инженерно-физический журнал, 2016, №4, с. 868-875. (Scopus)
  2. Vladimir G., Rifert, Viktor G., Razumovskiy, Aleksander P., Strikun, Peter A., Barabash, Vladimir I., Usenko. Improvement of the distillation methods by using centrifugal forces for water recovery in space flight application, ICES-2016-369, s. 2982 – 3000 (Scopus)
  3. Volodymyr G. Rifert, Volodymyr V. Sereda, Peter O. Barabash, Vadim V. Gorin. Condensation inside smooth horizontal tubes: part 2. Improvement of heat exchange prediction. Thermal Science. International Scientific Journal. 2016 (Scopus)
  4. Varlamov G., Romanova K.O., Dashchenko O.,Kapustiansky A. Improvement of energy efficiency and environmental safety of thermal energy through the implementation of contact energy exchange processes / Archives of Thermodynamics / Vol. 38, №4, 2017, pages 127-137.
  5. Капустянский А.А. Исследование факельного сжигания непроектных бинарных угольных смесей в паровых котлах // Теплоенергетика – 2017 – № 7. – С. 1-8 . – ISSN 0040-3636  (Росія) Scopus.
  6. Marta Cabello, Taras Chyrka, Rafael Klee, María J.Aragón, Xue Bai, Pedro Lavel, Gennadiy M.Vasylchenko, Ricardo Alcántara, José L.Tirado, Gregorio F.Ortiz. Treasure Na-ion anode from trash coke by adept electrolyte selection. Journal of Power Sources Volume 347, 15 April 2017, Pages 127-135. (Thomson Reuters, Scopus).
  7. Vladimir G. Rifert, Petr A. Barabash , Vladimir Usenko , Andrii S. Solomakha , Lukyan I. Anatychuk , A.V. Prybyla Improvement The Cascade Distillation System For Long-Term Space Flights. 68 th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Adelaide, Australia, 25-29 September 2017. IAC-17-A1.IP.25 (Scop)
  8. Rifert, V.G.,Sereda, V.V.,Barabash, P.O.,Gorin, V.V.Condensation inside smooth horizontal tubes: Part 2. improvement of heat exchange prediction  Thermal Science
  9. “Тепловые процессы в технике”, 2017, №3, С.137-141, статья      “О некоторых особенностях применения веществ типа Гидроэффект-Нанопротек при конденсации”, автора: А. С. Гавриш
  10. А. С. Гавриш, С.А. Гавриш, И.Н. Христюк,  статья “О применении поверхностно-активных веществ в теплообменниках-конденсаторах типа РТА”;”Тепловые процессы в технике”, 2016, №10, С.461-465
  11. Гавриш А.С., Шевченко А.Н., Мисюра Т.А. О перспективах применения супергидрофобных поверхностей. Сборник научных трудов Национального комитета РАН по тепло- и массообмену «Фундаментальные и прикладные проблемы тепломассообмена» и «Проблемы газодинамики и тепломассобмена в энергетических установках»: В 2 т., Т. 2. – М.: Издательский дом МЭИ, 2017. —  – С.245-250.;
  12. V. Rifert, V. Sereda, V. Gorin, P. Barabash, A. Solomakha.  Substantiation and the range of application of a new method for heat transfer prediction in condensing inside plain tubes // Energetika. – 2018. – T.4. – №3. – pp.146-154.
  13. V.G. Rifert, P.A. Barabash, A.S. Solomakha, V. Usenko, V.V. Sereda, V.G. Petrenko, Hydrodynamics and heat transfer in centrifugal film evaporator // Bulgarian Chemical Communications Volume 50 Special Issue К, 2018, pp.49-57
  14.  V.G. Rifert, V.V. Sereda, V.V. Gorin, P.A. Barabash, A.S. Solomakha Restoration of correctness and improvement of a model for film condensation inside tubes/ / Bulgarian Chemical Communications Volume 50 Special Issue К, 2018, pp.58-69
  15. M. Bezrodny, N. Prytula, T. Misiura.  Termodynamic efficiency of combined heat pump system of heating and ventilation with use of heat of ventilating emissions and wastewater. – East european scientific journal, 2018, №2, p. 53-61.
  16. Mikhail Bezrodny, Natalia Prytula, Maria Tsvietkova. Efficiency of heat pump systems of air conditioning  for removing excessive moisture. – Archives of termodynamics Vol. 40 (2019), №2, рр.151-165 .
  17. И.И. Пуховой, АМ Постоленко. Образование льда в сосульках и использование теплоты кристаллизации для подогрева воздуха– Инженерно-физический журнал, 2018 Том 91. Випуск 3. C. 800-806
  18. А.С. Гавриш. О некоторых аспектах получения защитных покрытий несмачиваемых конденсационных поверхностей (Диплом за 1-е место по секции Испарение.Конденсация). Труды Седьмой Российской национальной конференция по теплообмену: в 3 томах, 22-26 октября 2018. Т.2. Секція 5. Испарение, кинденсация. – Москва: Издательский дом МЭИ. – 2018. – С.31-34.
  19. А.С. Гавриш. О современных поверхностях теплообмена, краевых углах и условном цикле конденсации. Труды Седьмой Российской национальной конференция по теплообмену: в 3 томах, 22-26 октября 2018. Т.2. Секція 5. Испарение, конденсация. – Москва: Издательский дом МЭИ. – 2018. – С.35-38.
  1. G. Rifert, V.V. Sereda, A.S. Solomakha. Heat transfer during film condensation inside plain tubes. Review of theoretical research // Heat and Mass Transfer – 2019. – Volume 55, №11. – pp.3041-3051.
  2. Rifert V.G. ., Sereda V. V , Gorin V.V., Barabash P.A. Prediction of effective heat transfer coefficients for vapour condensation inside horizontal tubes in stratified phase flow. Proceedings of the 16th Int. Conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues, May 23–24, 2019. – Kaunas, Lithuania, 2019. – P. 370.
  3. Ріферт В.Г., Горін В.В., Середа В. В., Трепутньов В.В. Улучшение методов расчета теплообмена при конденсации внутри труб. Инженерно-физический журнал. – 2019. №3 (92). – С. 823-831.
  4. Voloshchuk V.A., Gullo P., Sereda V. V. Improvement of heat pump system for space heating on the basis of exergetic analysis. Proc. of the 32nd Int. Conf. of Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, June 23–28, 2019. – Wroclaw, Poland, 2019. – P. 2045-2056.
  5. Rifert V.G., Gorin V.V., Sereda V. V., Treputnev V.V. Improving Methods to Calculate Heat Transfer During the Condensation Inside Tubes. Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics – 2019. – Vol. 92 (3). P. 797-804. Видання входить до наукометричної бази (Scopus).
  6. Mikhail Bezrodny, Natalia Prytula, Maria Tsvietkova. Efficiency of heat pump systems of air conditioning for removing excessive moisture. – Archives of Thermodynamics, 2019, №2, p.151-163.
  7. Pukhovyi I.I., Postolenko A.M. Ice Formation in the Form of Icicles and Utilization of Heat of Crystallization for Air Heating Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics May 2018, Volume 91, Issue 3, pp 751–757.
  8. Volodymyr Rifert & Volodymyr Sereda & Vadim Gorin & Peter Barabash & Andrii Solomakha. Heat transfer during film condensation inside plain tubes. Review of experimental research. Heat and Mass Transfer https://doi.org/10.1007/s00231-019-02744-5.
  9. G. Rifert, V.V. Sereda, V. Gorin, P. Barabash, A.S. Solomakha. Heat transfer during film condensation inside plain tubes. Review of experimental research // Heat and Mass Transfer. Друкується, вийшло в електронному вигляді https://doi.org/10.1007/s00231-019-02744-5.
  10. Vladimir G. Rifert, Lukyan I. Anatychuk, Andrii S. Solomakha, Petr A. Barabash, Vladimir Usenko, A.V. Prybyla, Milena Naymark, Valerii Petrenko. Upgrade the centrifugal multiple-effect distiller for deep space missions. 70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Washington D.C., United States, 21-25 October 2019. IAC-19-A1,IP,11,x54316.
  11. Гавриш А.С., Шевченко А.Н., Мисюра Т.А. О перспективах применения супергидрофобных поверхностей. – Тепловые процессы в технике. (Thermal Process in Engineering). 2018. – Т.10, № 1-2. – С. 84-89.; Url – ІSSN: 2074-2649; DOI – https://dx.doi.org/ІSSN: 2074-2649; Наукометричні БД: РИНЦ; Мова публікації: російська; у співавторстві зі студентами
  12. Гавриш А.С. О некоторых аспектах получения защитных покрытий несмачиваемых конденсационных поверхностей – Труды РНКТ-7: в 3 томах.  — М.: Издательский дом МЭИ, 2018. — 454 с. – Т. 2. – С.31-34.; Url – ISBN 978-5-383-01313-7 ISBN 978-5-383-01315-1 (т. 2); DOI – https://dx.doi.org/ББК  365.55 Т 782; Мова публікації: російська.
  13. Гавриш А.С. О современных поверхностях теплообмена, краевых углах и условном цикле конденсации. – Труды РНКТ-7: в 3 томах. — М.: Издательский дом МЭИ, 2018. — 454 с. – Т. 2. – С.35-38.; Url – ISBN 978-5-383-01313-7 ISBN 978-5-383-01315-1 (т. 2); DOI – https://dx.doi.org/ББК  365.55 Т 782; Мова публікації: російська.
  14. Гавриш А.С. Об особенностях процесса конденсации на поверхностях теплообмена с различными краевыми углами смачивания. – Тепловые процессы в технике. (Thermal Process in Engineering). 2019. Т. 11. №2. С. 69–78.; Url – ІSSN: 2074-2649; DOI – https://dx.doi.org/ІSSN: 2074-2649; Наукометричні БД: РИНЦ; Мова публікації: російська.
  15. Gulnara Sh. DuruskariAli N. KhalilovMehmet AkkurtGunay Z. MammadovaTaras Chyrka, and Abel M. Maharramov Crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of 3-amino-5-phenyl­thia­zolidin-2-iminium bromide. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications 2019 Oct 1; 75(Pt 10): 1544–1547.
  16. Duruskari, G.S., Khalilov, A.N., Akkurt, M., Chyrka, T., Maharramov, A.M. Crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of (E)-3-[(4-chlorobenzylidene)amino]-5-phenylthia-zolidin-2-iminium bromide. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications Volume 75, 2019, Pages 1175-1179.
  17. G. Rifert, V.V. Sereda, A.S. Solomakha. Heat transfer during film condensation inside plain tubes. Review of theoretical research // Heat and Mass Transfer – 2019. – Volume 55. – №11. – pp. 3041-3051.
  18. Vladimir G. Rifert, Lukyan I. Anatychuk, Andrii S. Solomakha, Petr A. Barabash, Vladimir Usenko, A.V. Prybyla, Milena Naymark, Valerii Petrenko. Upgrade the centrifugal multiple-effect distiller for deep space missions. 70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Washington D.C., United States, 21-25 October 2019. IAC-19-A1,IP,11,x54316.
  19. Rifert, V.G., Anatychuk, L.I., Barabash, P.O., Solomakha A.S., Strykun A.P., Sereda, V.V., Prybyla, A.V. Evolution of centrifugal distillation system with a thermoelectric heat pump for space missions // Journal of Thermoelectricity. – 2019. – №3. – pp. 5 – 19. http://jt.inst.cv.ua/jt/jt_2019_03_en.pdf
  20. Rifert V.G., Anatychuk L.I., Barabash P.O., Usenko V.I., Solomakha A.S., Petrenko V.G., Prybyla A.V., Sereda V.V. Comparative analysis of thermal distillation methods with heat pumps for long space flights // Journal of Thermoelectricity. – 2019. – №4. – pp.5 – 18. http://jt.inst.cv.ua/jt/jt_2019_04_en.pdf
  21. G. Rifert, V.V. Sereda, V. Gorin, P. Barabash, A.S. Solomakha. Heat transfer during film condensation inside plain tubes. Review of experimental research // Heat and Mass Transfer – 2020. – Volume 56. – pp. 691-713. doi:10.1007/s00231-019-02744-5
  22. A. Barabash, A.S. Solomakha, A.I. Gurov, O.A. Panchenko. Regimes of motion of water–air flow in a short vertical tube with the underfeed of phases // Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, Vol. 93, No. 2, March, 2020, рр.443-451.
  23. A. Barabash, A.S. Solomakha, V.V. Sereda. Experimental investigation of heat and mass transfer characteristics in direct contact exchanger // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 162, 2020, рр.1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2020.120359 https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1bfj144xa6E~S
  24. Voloshchuk V, Gullo P, Sereda V. Advanced exergy-based performance enhancement of heat pump space heating system. Energy – 2020. – Vol. 205. P. 117953. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2020.117953
  25. Sereda V, Rifert V, Gorin V, Baraniuk O, Barabash P (2020) Heat transfer during film condensation inside horizontal tubes in stratified phase flow. Heat Mass Transfer (2020). doi:10.1007/s00231-020-02946-2
  26. Jiang Jianguo, G. Varlamov, L. Zhigang, L. Suxiang,K. Romanova The effect of thermal resistance of air condenser tubes on the efficiency of steam cooling / Archives of Thermodynamics ( відіслано до реадкції 30.09.2020).
  27. Voloshchuk V, Gullo P, Sereda V. Advanced exergy-based performance enhancement of heat pump space heating system. Energy – 2020. – Vol. 205. P. 117953. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2020.117953
  28. Sereda V, Rifert V, Gorin V, Baraniuk O, Barabash P (2020) Heat transfer during film condensation inside horizontal tubes in stratified phase flow. Heat Mass Transfer (2020). doi:10.1007/s00231-020-02946-2
  29. A. Barabash, A.S. Solomakha, V.V. Sereda. Experimental investigation of heat and mass transfer characteristics in direct contact exchanger // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 162, 2020, рр.1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2020.120359 https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1bfj144xa6E~S
  30. G. Rifert, V.V. Sereda, V. Gorin, P. Barabash, A.S. Solomakha. Heat transfer during film condensation inside plain tubes. Review of experimental research // Heat and Mass Transfer – 2020. – Volume 56. – pp. 691-713. doi:10.1007/s00231-019-02744-5
  31. A. Barabash, A.S. Solomakha, A.I. Gurov, O.A. Panchenko. Regimes of motion of water–air flow in a short vertical tube with the underfeed of phases // Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, Vol. 93, No. 2, March, 2020, рр.443-451.
  32. K. Bezrodny, S.А. Oslovskyi. Efficiency analysis a combination of air and ground heat pumps for heating and ventilation. Eurasian physical technical journal, 2021, Vol. 18, No1 (35), p.57-64.
  33. K. Bezrodny, S. O. Oslovskyi. Combined heat pump heating and ventilation system using heat of soil, sewage water and ventilation emissions. Journal of Thermal Engineering, 2021, № , p. (прийнята до друку).
  35. Sereda, V. Rifert, V. Gorin, O. Baraniuk, P. Barabash. Heat transfer during film condensation inside horizontal tubes in stratified phase flow. Heat and mass transfer. – 2021. – Vol. 57, p. 251-267. doi: 10.1007/s00231-020-02946-2. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00231-020-02946-2.
  36. Rifert, V.G., Anatychuk, L.I., Solomakha A.S., Barabash, P.O., Usenko V.I., Petrenko V.G. Rationale for thermal distillation with thermoelectric heat pump for long space missions. Journal of Thermoelectricity. Accepted for publication.
  37. Sereda, V. Rifert, V. Gorin, O. Baraniuk, P. Barabash. Heat transfer during film condensation inside horizontal tubes in stratified phase flow. Heat and mass transfer. – 2021. – Vol. 57, p. 251-267. doi: 10.1007/s00231-020-02946-2. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00231-020-02946-2.
  38. Olga Chernousenko, Dmitro Rindyuk, Vitaliy Peshko, Olexandr Chernov, Vladyslav Goryazhenko (2020). Development of a System for Estimating and Forecasting the Rational Resource-Saving Operating Modes of TPP. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, Vol 3, No 8(105), pp. 14-23, doi: 10.15587/1729-4061.2020.204505
  39. Chernousenko, O., Peshko, V., & Ryndiuk, D. (2020). Impact Assessment of Modernization of Steam Turbine End Seals on the Residual Resource. Energy Technologies & Resource Saving, (3), 56-62. doi: 10.33070/etars.3.2020.06
  40. Chernousenko, O. Yu., Ryndiuk, D. V., & Peshko, V. A. (2020). Thermal and Stress-Strain State of Cast Bodies of Control Valves of 200 MW Power Units. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 8–15. doi: 10.15407/pmach2020.03.008
  41. Chernousenko Olga, Nikulenkova Tetyana, Peshko Vitaliy and Nikulenkov Anatolii, “Maintaining electricity production through a comprehensive approach to service life extension of steam turbines,” 2020 IEEE 7th International Conference on Energy Smart Systems (ESS), Kyiv, Ukraine, 2020, pp. 54-57, doi: 10.1109/ESS50319.2020.9160249
  42. Chernousenko Olga, Peshko Vitaliy, Nikulenkova Tetyana and Rindyuk Dmitro, “Extension of the Operating Time of High-speed Turbines of Nuclear Power Plants,” 2020 IEEE 7th International Conference on Energy Smart Systems (ESS), Kyiv, Ukraine, 2020, pp. 101-104, doi: 10.1109/ESS50319.2020.9160013
  43. Ніколаєнко Ю.Є., Баранюк О.В., Рачинський А.Ю., Пекур Д.В., Міняйло М.А. Improvement of Effectiveness of Cooling of Electronic Heat-Loaded Modules / Ю.Є. Ніколаєнко, О.В. Баранюк, А.Ю. Рачинський, Д.В. Пекур, М.А. Міняйло // Вісник НТУУ” КПІ”. Серія Радіотехніка, Радіоапаратобудування. – 2020. – №8. С. 47-55.
  44. V. Nikulenkova, A. G. Nikulenkov Impact analysis of a transient temperature field on the service life of the high pressure rotor of K-1000-60/3000 turbine, Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Volume 52, Special Issue F, 2020, pp. 36-41, DOI: 10.34049/bcc.52.F.0006
  45. Z. Abdulin, O.A. Siryi, O.V. Baranyuk; CFD modeling of heat exchange and hydrodynamics in a jet-niche system of fuel combustion; 16th international conference of young scientists on energy issues. Lithuanian energy institute; May, 22-25, 2019, p. 123-133.
  46. Z. Abdulin, O. A. Siryi, O. M. Tkachenko, A. A. Kunyk Boilers modernization due to energy-ecological improvement technology of burning, Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 2020, Volume 52, Special Issue F. pp. 14-19. DOI: 10.34049/bcc.52.F.0002.
  47. Surace C., Bovsunovsky A. The use of frequency ratios to diagnose structural damage in varying environmental conditions. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2020, 136: 106523. doi: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2019.106523
  48. Bovsunovsky, A. Litvinenko, S. Kadomsky, Y. Boyko. Analysis of conditions of effective crack detection in simply supported rod based on change of damping. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. Applied Mechanics. 2020, Vol., № 7 (104), p. 26-32. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2020.198451
  49. Раціоналізація підходів числового моделювання геометрично-складного обертового обладнання електричних станцій / О. Ю. Черноусенко, В. А. Пешко, Б. О. Марисюк // Енергетика: економіка, технології, екологія. – Київ. – 2019. – № 3. – С. 30-36. doi: 10.20535/1813-5420.3.2019.196372
  50. Chernousenko, Olha & Peshko, Vitalii. (2019). Assessment of Resource Parameters of the Extended Operation High-Pressure Rotor of the K-1000-60/3000 Turbine. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. Vol. 22. PP. 41-47. Doi: 10.15407/pmach2019.04.041. 14.
  51. Аналіз можливості продовження експлуатації ротора середнього тиску з урахуванням тріщин критичного розміру / О.Ю.Черноусенко, Риндюк Д. В., Пешко В. А.// Вісник НТУ «ХПІ». Серія: Енергетичні та теплотехнічні процеси й устаткування. – Харків: НТУ «ХПІ», 2019. – № 1. – C. 4-9. DOI – 10.20998/2078-774X.2019.01.01.
  52. Управління ресурсом турбін 200 МВт шляхом оптимізації долі пусків з різних теплових станів / О.Ю.Черноусенко, Усатий О.П., Риндюк Д. В., Пешко В. А.// Вісник НТУ «ХПІ». Серія: Енергетичні та теплотехнічні процеси й устаткування. – Харків: НТУ «ХПІ», 2019. – № 2. – С. 4-11. DOI – doi.org/10.20998/2078-774X.2019.02.01
  53. Bovsunovsky A. (2019) Effect of Abnormal Operation of Turbine Generator on the Resource of Steam Turbine Shafting. In: Ivanov V. et al. (eds) Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing. DSMIE 2018. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham, pp. 247-254. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-93587-4_26
  54. Bovsunovsky A.P. Efficiency of crack detection based on damping characteristics. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2019, 214, P. 464-473. Doi: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2019.04.005
  55. Nikulenkov, A. G., Samoilenko, D. V., & V. Nikulenkova, T. (2018). Study of the impact of NPP rated thermal power uprate on process behavior at different transient conditions. Nuclear and Radiation Safety, 4(80), 9-13. doi:10.32918/NRS.2018.4(80).02
  56. Chernousenko, Olga & Ryndyuk, Dmitriy & Peshko, Vitaliy. (2019). Re-Extension of 200 MW Turbine Cast Casing Service. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 22. 14-20. 10.15407/pmach2019.02.014.
  57. Abdulin, Michael & Siryi, Alex & Zhuchenko, Andrew & Abdulin, Alexis. (2018). Improvement of reliability of fire engineering equipment based on a jet-niche technology. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2. 10.15587/1729-4061.2018.126917.
  58. Chernousenko, O., Rindyuk, D., Peshko, V., & Goryazhenko, V.Y. (2018). Development of a technological approach to the control of turbine casings resource for supercritical steam parameters. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2, 51-56. Doi: 10.15587/1729-4061.2018.126042
  59. Chernousenko, O., Rindyuk, D., & Peshko, V. (2017). Research on residual service life of automatic locking valve of turbine K-200-130. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5, 39-44. Doi: 10.15587/1729-4061.2017.112284
  60. Bovsunovsky A.P. Estimation of efficiency of vibration damage detection in stepped shaft of steam turbine. Electric Power Systems Research, 2018, 154, P. 381-390. Doi: 10.1016/j.epsr.2017.09.012
  61. Haldinov, M. & Peshko, V. & Rindyuk, D. & Chernousenko, O. & Lementar, S.. (2018). CFD-simulation of the pyrolysis process of high-temperature decomposition of raw materials of plant origin in household solid-fuel boilers. Scientific Works of National University of Food Technologies. 24. 163-174. Doi: 10.24263/2225-2924-2018-24-2-20.
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  66. Chernousenko O., Peshko V., Marisyuk B., Bovsunovsky A. (2021) Estimation of Steam Turbine Shafts Fatigue Damage Caused by Torsional Vibrations. In: Abdel Wahab M. (eds) Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Fracture, Fatigue and Wear. FFW 2020. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-9893-7_39
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  69. Bovsunovsky A., Soroka E. (2021) Sensitivity of Damping for Diagnostics of Damage in Structure. In: Abdel Wahab M. (eds) Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Fracture, Fatigue and Wear. FFW 2020 2020, pp 179-189. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-9893-7_12. (Scopus, WebS).
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